Ventajas de Integrar el PIM de Sales Layer en Shopify

Advantages of Integrating Sales Layer PIM into Shopify

Do you have your online store hosted on Shopify or are you planning to create it? So the next question should be do you know how much management time you can save in that process?

Shopify is one of the most powerful and reliable ecommerce platforms on the market, but maintaining a Shopify store requires a lot of time and knowledge. The solution that more and more ecommerce companies are finding is called PIM.

We discover Product Information Management technology and how it easily integrates with Shopify stores.

How does a PIM work with Shopify?

A PIM is a management software that centralizes all product content and allows you to control all processes with product information and create a flexible, scalable and agile ecosystem.

Connecting a Shopify store with a PIM like Sales Layer involves low complexity. Additionally, the Sales Layer PIM hosts all content in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere.

We include an easy and simple connector to configure. Simply enter the specific Shopify credentials (API Key, Shop Name and Password) and the configuration of the data you want to synchronize.

This allows you to have a sync with Shopify ready in no time. But to achieve this it is important to have all the appropriate and organized information in the PIM. While without this tool, all the content would have to be prepared and imported by hand and without oversight over the quality and accuracy of the data.

A PIM like Sales Layer not only makes it easy to send information to Shopify, but also to always be sure that it is correct information and updated in real time.

Recommendations when using a PIM for Shopify

Keep in mind that different aspects can influence the configuration of the Shopify connector:

  • The ecommerce configuration
  • Ecommerce customizations (third-party services)
  • The type of service contracted (Shopify Plus or Standard)

For these reasons, it is always advisable to follow a few steps in the integration:

  1. Use a staging environment for testing to verify that synchronization works with the necessary data.
  2. In the first integration tests, perform initial imports with little data to ensure that the information structure is correct. For example, from the Sales Layer connector it is possible to establish multiple filters (tags, manual searches, formulas...).

All the advantages of integrating a PIM and your store in Shopify

  • Synchronizes all information regarding categories or collections, products and variants so that the user can manage their stores on Shopify and any other channel from a single place.
  • Adjust sizes and order of images.
  • Associate attributes and metadata to help with SEO optimization.
  • Synchronizes stock, price management, multi-currency inclusion and language adaptation to be able to manage multiple stores based on the currency and language selected in the export.

The benefits of Sales Layer PIM for Shopify stores

Unlike other software systems with complex connectors, Sales Layer is built for marketing teams, not technical teams.

Additionally, Sales Layer's Shopify connector is compatible with the Plus version of the platform. This means that the connector takes advantage of one of the main features of Shopify Plus, which is the increase of up to 5 times more performance in terms of internal use of API calls.

Thanks to the integration of a PIM with Shopify you will immediately access multiple management advantages to save time and resources:

  • Connect to over 1,500 Shopify extensions and apps.
  • Create an attractive store with a powerful sales model.
  • Easily add your products, images, specifications and descriptions.
  • Manage multiple stores from a single system.
  • Make massive modifications of information.


In these times where the digital transformation of companies is urgent, it is essential to have the tools that speed up the creation and maintenance of online channels.

Top-of-the-line ecommerce platforms like Shopify are a safe environment to work in, and a PIM system guarantees that the presentation of your products will always be up-to-date and with quality data for your customers.