Cómo la IA está transformando el futuro del marketing

How AI is transforming the future of marketing

Digital marketing is a constantly evolving field. Innovation is the main differentiating factor in the development of new sales techniques and it is precisely here where Artificial Intelligence (AI) begins to knock on the door. Many companies have seen that this is the future and that with it it is possible to automate a series of processes that previously required a large investment of time and resources. Getting on the Artificial Intelligence bandwagon now can make your online store stand out from the competition and that is why we recommend that you continue reading. Turning your back on progress can have terrible consequences for your business in the long term and that is why at Webmefy we are committed to investing in technology.

The potential of Artificial Intelligence, combined with other technologies such as Big Data, can have enormous benefits for your company . The marketing of the future will follow this path and it is our job to adapt to it as soon as possible. Thanks to AI, marketing managers will be able to know their customers better, monitoring and analyzing their behaviors through Big Data, in record time and using a very limited amount of resources.

Customer segmentation to a new level with tools like Klaviyo

At Webmefy we have already talked about Klaviyo , an e-mail marketing tool that allows customers to be segmented based on very specific criteria , which offers a level of automated communication never seen before. Klaviyo is capable of tracking a large amount of data instantly, something impossible if we had to do it ourselves. Once we have segmented our clients, we can establish a series of messages to send them when they behave in a certain way. For example, if a customer has placed an item in their cart and has not proceeded to checkout within the next two days, we can have the tool automatically send an email to encourage that purchase.

Artificial Intelligence to collect data

As we have already commented in this text, the main task of AI is to collect quality data based on different factors , and then work with them and draw accurate conclusions. Not only the quantity is important, but the quality of this data is crucial to continue moving forward.

To capture this data, not only is the behavior within a web page analyzed, but it can also be extracted based on the interaction of our customers with the different software that we have in our physical stores. There are already companies that have incorporated robots into their businesses to deal with customers, who are still somewhat reluctant to trust this type of support. There is still a way to go in this sense, since experience has shown that the customer trusts even more in a person who speaks directly to him than in a machine programmed to resolve his doubts. However, marketing is moving in that direction and little by little we will see different advances.

The marketing strategy of a digital company must take this technological advance into account, since we will increasingly interact with different bots programmed to satisfy our needs. Digital transformation cannot catch us off guard.


If we want our company to be at the forefront in digital strategy and more specifically in digital marketing, we must incorporate different tools that use AI. The ability of humans to analyze data and draw conclusions is limited and with software like the one used by Klaviyo we can save time and resources by optimizing our results.

If you found this text interesting and want to start working with Klaviyo, at Webmefy we offer you a free trial so that you can familiarize yourself with the tool . Also, if you have any questions, you can write us an email at info@webmefy.com . We will be happy to give you a hand.