Google: “El e-Commerce alcanzará el 20% del total en 2023”

Google: “E-Commerce will reach 20% of the total in 2023”

At Webmefy we are committed to all information related to e-Commerce and for this reason today we want to talk to you about the growth forecasts that exist for Spain. Because there is no doubt that electronic commerce is one of the pillars on which the economy of countries will be founded in the future , which makes a significant investment at the national level necessary to support all those companies that already have a certain track record. or, on the contrary, they are starting to walk now. We talk about all this below on the blog. Keep reading!

The future of the economy is in e-Commerce

This week, Fuencisla Clemares , general director of Google Spain , spoke at the CEOE business summit to talk about the future of e-Commerce in our country. The board sees it necessary to “build the pillars of a new economic model, preparing the necessary workforce to do so.” In reference to the pandemic generated by the coronavirus, he maintains that "the virus has demonstrated the importance of technology and the digitalization of companies" , which has led to a strong increase in electronic commerce, which has grown by 74% in the last three years and that in the next three years it will account for 20% of the sector's total, according to their own words.

In this growth of e-Commerce it has become clear that consumers know no borders and that it is a global process to which it is advisable to adapt as soon as possible to obtain the maximum possible benefit. Clemares also maintains that "electronic commerce also has to develop Big Data and artificial intelligence, which will serve to improve the profitability and sustainability of the sector, for which investments and support programs for SMEs are needed by of the government".

Small businesses are key to the growth of e-Commerce

For his part, Pedro Campo, president of the Spanish Confederation of Commerce , supports the request for a rescue plan for the sector, which must be considered “strategic for the Spanish economy.” According to Campo, “ this sector is the largest driver of employment in the Spanish economy, with a large percentage of self-employed people,” for this reason it demands “campaigns to reactivate demand with a concrete plan in close collaboration with business organizations.” Many of the online stores are constituted as SMEs, which is why we see this type of economic measures so important for their growth in the short and medium term.

The importance of the family business

Finally, Marc Puig, president of the Family Business Institute , is of the opinion that “we are facing a crisis for which no government is prepared,” in reference to the coronavirus. For this reason, it is necessary for the government of our country to surround itself with expert technicians to emerge from the crisis in the best possible conditions. In this sense, as was the case in the previous case, there are also small family businesses that depend largely on electronic commerce, since they have been gradually adapting to new times. That is why it is vital that you think about them when taking economic measures. If you are interested in setting up an online store, at Webmefy we invite you to do so with a 14-day free trial with Shopify .