¿Chatbots para salir adelante en la crisis del coronavirus?

Chatbots to get ahead in the coronavirus crisis?

Recently we have offered you the best tips to win the battle of summer sales at large stores and on this occasion we want to talk to you about a very interesting topic, which in recent times has acquired great relevance. Because the coronavirus has put the viability of some businesses in check, some due to lack of activity and others due to excess. Because to the most obvious consequence of the cessation of activity of some businesses has been added the notable increase in sales that others have suffered, due to the nature of the crisis in which we find ourselves. This boom has meant that many marketers have had to resort to certain bots to automate tasks that they would not be able to carry out manually . We develop everything below under these lines so that you can learn how chatbots can help you during the coronavirus crisis.

Computers talking to people, everything wrong?

We all want, when we access customer service, to be people who serve us. However, there are companies that rely on chatbots, either because they don't have the money or because they are so advanced that the truth is that there are hardly any differences for the most basic issues. Because questions related to product availability, opening hours or other similar questions are so easy to answer that it is not necessary for there to be a person behind the service. In fact, a well-managed chatbot greatly speeds up tasks , since it responds quickly and specifically , without detours, something that not all people are capable of doing. They are also very useful when queries come outside of office hours, since it is not easy to provide support twenty-four hours a day. Not to mention the response in different languages, which greatly enhances the quality of the service.

Chatbots on Shopify

Chatbots, before the coronavirus, had developed a lot in recent years. So much so, that they have learned to respond based on the behavior of the customers , which greatly refines the rate of success in the responses and can also communicate with them to inform them of the availability of a certain stock or to communicate some type of information. novelty that interests us. At Shopify we could highlight the following chatbots for their quality and communicative capacity:

  • Liveperson – can be integrated with Facebook and Twitter, which greatly complements its capabilities. Collects user information to generate automatic reports. It is not free, but it is very interesting. The price must be agreed with your sales department.
  • IntelliTicks : offers the option to pay through the chat itself. It has a menu within the chat and is suitable for SMEs and the price is very affordable, including the free option.
  • Intercom : you can send emails with marketing campaigns. Notifications and live chat with customers. Very easy to use, but high cost, with $87 per month being the cheapest.
  • Zoho SalesIQ – Very easy to install and integrates seamlessly with other Zoho products. It has its own Chatbot generator but it requires coding. Quite high price.
  • Zendesk : multichannel support, with email, web, telephone, chat, social networks... Quite affordable price, starting at $14.


We cannot abandon customer service in a personal and traditional way, but the truth is that this technology is here to stay and is advancing by leaps and bounds . Well managed, chatbots can be very useful for both us and our clients. The important thing is not to neglect this department of our online business at all, since a good percentage of our total sales usually arrives there. The coronavirus has put us all in check and chatbots can help us if we use them well.

If you are thinking about getting started with online commerce, at Webmefy we offer you a free 14-day trial with Shopify so that you can familiarize yourself with the environment of one of the most powerful e-commerce platforms today.