Puntos clave para una buena estrategia de email marketing

Key points for a good email marketing strategy

Email marketing is a key tool within the online marketing channels of your ecommerce and one of the most economical. Thanks to this online channel, we will be able to impact our customer throughout the entire customer journey.

How to create an email marketing strategy?

Mailing is a quick and direct way to stay in touch with our clients. This channel allows us to reach a large number of subscribers with very different profiles.

Some key points that we must take into account when creating an email marketing strategy are:

Lead capture

Before carrying out any campaign we must obtain the emails of the people who know us or visit our ecommerce. A good way to get these leads can be through the registration forms on the home page of our website. A recommended practice to obtain these leads is the use of double opt-in, which consists of sending an email to people who register for the first time, so that they confirm their subscription.

Audience segmentation

It is essential, since in this way we will be able to adapt the content of our emails to the needs and interests of our clients. There are numerous ways to segment your databases, some of them may be:

        • User behavior on the web:

          If we know what behavior our users have had in the online store, what products they have visited or where they have stayed the longest, we can send them much more personalized content and be more effective with emails.

  • Actions with emails:

    We must track the actions that subscribers take when they receive an email, to make improvements in the different parts of the emails and be able to segment them appropriately.

  • Average spending on purchase:

    With this data we will be able to separate customers based on the average spending they usually make in our ecommerce and offer different promotions based on the profile of each user.
  • Personalization of emails:

    This way you can make your emails stand out from the rest, in addition to creating a bond with the client, making them feel unique and special. With personalization you also achieve a loyalty strategy, since users will feel totally connected to the brand. You can use personalization in email subject lines or content.

  • Data use:

    Collect your customers' data (age, sex, size...) in this way personalization can be greater and you can offer more attractive products to your users. In fact, if you collect, for example, the shoe size they wear, you can show them products that are available in their size, preventing them from getting frustrated seeing other models that they like and for which they will not find a size.

  • Use of A/B testing:

To do this we must create two identical emails by varying one of the elements of the email and seeing which of the two emails sent obtains the best results.

We can test various contents in an email, for example: the subject line, the content. the images, the CTA, the sending time... To determine the winning email we can look at KPIs such as the opening rate, the number of clicks or conversions.

Types of emails for ecommerce.

Next, we are going to detail some of the most important emails within any marketing strategy:

The newsletters:

They are generally informative in nature, they communicate to our clients the latest developments or news about our brand, they are perfect for branding and positioning ourselves in the consumer's mind.

The bells:

They are carried out for a limited period of time. Normally these campaigns are sales-oriented, for example: a special Valentine's Day promotion or the launch of a new product in our store.

Automated emails:

They allow a series of emails to be automatically sent when users perform some action within your online store or meet certain conditions, which we determine previously. These emails are fully customizable and allow us to impact the user automatically at the most appropriate moments in their life cycle.

Some of the most important automatic flows that we must take into account when creating the marketing strategy for our ecommerce are:

  • The welcome flow:

    This flow is activated when someone subscribes to our newsletter. It is a very important moment, since it was the client who has shown interest in our brand, so at that moment we have their attention and we must take advantage of it by impacting them with a series of welcome emails in which we show them the latest news. , the best-selling products or we offer you a discount for example. It is very important that we take great care of this first email, since it will be the user's first contact directly with our brand.

  • The abandoned cart flow:

    It is one of the flows that contributes the most conversions to an ecommerce. It consists of sending a series of emails to those people who started the purchasing process, but for some reason did not complete it. More than 80% of people leave their purchasing processes unfinished, which is why it is vital that we activate this automatic flow.

  • The gratitude flow:

    With this email, in addition to thanking our customers who have made a purchase in our online store, we can offer them products related to those they have purchased (cross-sell).

  • Reactivation flow:

    This flow allows us to impact people who have made a purchase on our website, but have not done so for a while. We can send them an email with the news of our eCommerce or the most popular products, to try to get them to make a purchase again.

These are the main flows that we have to take into account when planning our email marketing strategy, but once we have it in place we can continue adding flows that impact our users strategically throughout the customer journey and at the same time optimize the flows mentioned above based on the results.

Measure and optimize.

At all times you must analyze and examine the results you are obtaining from your mailing campaigns. Based on the data you will know what aspects you can improve in your emails. To obtain this data you can take into account the following KPIs:

  • Open rate:

    It is essential to know if the emails you are sending to your clients are being opened or if, on the contrary, you should improve their subject line. Subject lines should always be short and concise, the most important information should be at the beginning, you can use some emoticons, but without going overboard, and personalize the subject lines so that they are more attractive to the person who receives them.

  • The number of clicks:

    If you include a call to action in your emails, you must measure the number of clicks that email receives and depending on the result, you must make changes to the content to increase this click rate. For the user to click on our email, it must be attractive and contain relevant information. We can use original images, personalize the content to make it more attractive and use copy that does not leave our subscriber indifferent.

  • Bounce rate:

It is very important to segment the contact list to which we are going to send our campaigns and direct them to the people who are in contact with our brand, since if we send to our entire database it is likely that our emails will end up in the spam folder. and the carrying out of that campaign will have been of no use.

Within this metric we can differentiate between soft bounces , which are those in which emails are not delivered temporarily, such as someone's inbox being full, and hard bounces , which will not be delivered to the recipient directly. never, that is why we must eliminate them from our lists, so that it does not affect the deliverability of our emails and that they do not end up in the spam folder.

  • Conversion rate:

    With this metric we will know if the users to whom we have sent an email have completed the objective we intended, for example: if they have made a purchase. The conversion rate also allows us to see if the content of our message was clear or if our client did not understand us and we need to modify it.

  • Return on investment (ROI):

    It is essential to measure this KPI in email marketing campaigns to know if we have obtained benefits with our emails, the performance that our campaign has had among the different subscribers.

  • The device:

    Although it is not a metric as such, identifying the use of the device by our receivers is vital, since we can adapt the content to different formats and give more importance to the most used format. Currently, the mobile phone is the most used device for viewing emails and online stores.

Klaviyo integration with Shopify

The Shopify eCommerce platform integrates perfectly with the Klaviyo email marketing platform in a simple and fast way, without the need for programming knowledge.

This integration allows us to:

  • Synchronize contacts

    All our contacts who subscribe from our online store either to the newsletter pop-up or to the footer, by having this integration, are automatically added to a list within Klaviyo.

  • Synchronize data

    Synchronize the data of your online store with Klaviyo, this allows you to use the behaviors that your users have in your eCommerce for the email marketing actions that you are going to develop in your strategy and allows you to automate customer contacts at the most precise moments .

  • Synchronize registration forms or coupons

    You can create them on either platform and use them to impact your customers or collect data from them.

consultant specialized in ecommerce

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