¿Cómo gestionar las devoluciones en un ecommerce & Shopify?

How to manage returns in an ecommerce & Shopify?

If you have an online store or are going to open one soon, you have to keep in mind that the design of the return policy is one of the main factors that you must take care of to achieve customer loyalty. In this article we will give you some tips to properly manage returns through ecommerce & Shopify.

The importance of creating a clear returns policy in your online store

We all know that almost no one reads the legal texts closely when accepting an online purchase contract, except when there is a problem. Precisely for this reason, you must write a clear returns policy. This way, you will have the peace of mind of being able to tell customers that they accepted the contract at the time of placing their order, and in it, it was explained that within returns management, for example, if a product was opened it could not be returned.

As experts in growing companies and optimizing their digital channels, we recommend that you always choose professionals to write personalized text. There is no one better than them to write a personalized policy to free you from all those problems and give you peace of mind that you are setting out the rules you want. If, for example, you plan to charge shipping costs on some returns and place a copied text that talks about free returns, you will have to do so because you will both have accepted the conditions.

To achieve success and position themselves as trusted companies, businesses must create simple and transparent processes so that their customers can manage returns and exchanges. Therefore, this policy is critical and must be written clearly to avoid confusion. Before writing it, we advise you to make an outline of all the possible scenarios that may arise in your ecommerce to try to give it the best solution.

It is very important that you keep your reputation clean from satisfied clients. Therefore, with professional support, you will be able to properly manage each sentence of your return conditions. Now, you want to make things easy for them, because if they see that sending their items back is an easy process, they will order again. Otherwise, you will surely have lost a client forever.

Return management in ecommerce & Shopify

Now that you know that the purpose of return policies is to make clear the conditions regarding shipments of purchases, and highlight what the action plans are in case of returning an item, let's talk about how to organize this process management.

Steps to make an optimal implementation of returns management

The good thing about Shopify is that from its own platform you can easily and simply add your shipping and return policy. To do this, we present the steps to follow below:

  1. Within the administration panel, you must go to the Configuration/Legal option. You will see that the software itself allows you to use a specific template or enter an already created policy. As we told you previously, remember the importance of writing a personalized one based on your type and operation of your ecommerce.
  2. Once you have added the title and adjusted the format, you must save the text and, from then on, it will be automatically added to the bottom of the payment and cart page of your online store.

Important tips to keep in mind when writing returns management

Since the issue of legal texts on refunds and shipping is essential, we present some considerations to take into account:

  • Bet on the HTML language to create a good structure and be able to add elements that make the legal document we are dealing with much more attractive, in addition to the page in general. At any time, you can delete or edit the text to make the modifications you deem appropriate.
  • Do not place this document in inconspicuous places. For many consumers, it is the first text they read before placing their order. Therefore, add it in prominent places so that customers can access it without having to find it in small print in footers. We recommend that you add a link to the policy URL where you see fit. Our advice is that you add it to frequently asked questions.
  • Don't forget to include in your legal text fundamental points such as which items can be returned, which are those that only allow exchange, or even which products are considered non-returnable sales, in the event that you have any in those conditions. Also, you must note what the return period is, what the conditions are like and what steps must be followed to carry out a successful process.

Below we detail some of these fundamental points, to help you identify them and know how to develop them.

Important points to take into account when returning.

  • Return time: This is a really important piece of information that you must make clear in the return policy you make, since if the customer is not informed correctly the period can be extended to up to 12 months.
    The customer has the right to make a return within 14 calendar days of receiving the order, without having to give any type of explanation as long as the product has not been broken or used incorrectly.
  • Return process: You must explain clearly and in detail the steps that customers must follow to return any item. To do this, you can use images and number the steps, this way clients will always know which step they are in and how many steps they have left to finish the process.

tablet return policy

  • Documentation for return: If the customer is asked to fill out a form to return the package, they must be told where they can find said form and how to complete it. In addition, only the data necessary for the return should be requested.

  • Forms of return: The customer has the possibility of requesting that the money be returned by the same means by which he made the payment, but it is a good idea to give him alternatives such as making the exchange for a product of the same amount or offering him an in-store purchase coupon.

  • Return costs: It is necessary to make it clear who must bear the return costs. Once you decide whether the company is going to be the one to assume the expenses or whether it is going to have to be the client, you must make it clear so that clients do not feel cheated.

Where to locate the return policy.

You should place your return policy in a visible part of your ecommerce and not hide it. This helps to generate trust in customers towards your online store, since before purchasing they can resolve their doubts and it can be a good way to give them a push to decide to finalize their purchase.

Why choose Shopify for your ecommerce?

Although there are many others, Shopify is an e-commerce platform that is very suitable for both online and physical stores. With this platform you will be able to sell your items on your own website, but also in person with an extension of the program. In addition, it is created so that both experts and beginners can manage the best suecommerce.

At Webmefy we are committed to the Data Driven work philosophy, that is, we use a data-driven approach that allows us to offer companies the best service for them to organize and examine. In this way, they will have the necessary resources to offer the best service to their clients, both in logistics and in the use of the website itself.

shopify mobile

In conclusion, now that you know the role that the return policy plays, we hope that you take into account the advice offered to create a text that conveys confidence to customers and gets you out of trouble in case of problems with their orders. Remember that professionals have all the means to facilitate this and any process that has to do with the creation and maintenance of your online business. Therefore, at Webmefy we will be happy to help you make your page more attractive, functional and well structured.

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