Cómo evitar que un correo vaya a Spam

How to prevent an email from going to Spam

Increase your clients' deliverability.

One of the challenges in any email marketing strategy is to get the greatest number of potential clients to receive and open your emails. E -mail marketing continues to be one of the most profitable tools to achieve sales in your eCommerce.

When we talk about eCommerce, it is vital that online stores can build a personalized relationship with their customers. To achieve the ROI we aim for, emails must be attractive to the customer, respond to their specific needs and always be sent to a segmented audience.

But our email marketing strategy will not be effective if the emails do not fulfill the purpose for which they were designed. Here lies the importance of email deliverability , which does not consist of the mere fact of sending an email using an email marketing platform, but rather ensuring that it reaches its destination and can avoid any possible obstacle, such as for example go to the junk or spam folder .

Importance of deliverability in your email marketing emails

According to Statista , in 2021 more than 321 million emails were sent daily around the world, figures that grow as the number of users increases. However, sending emails is not the same as deliverability, so any company that wants to sell online must be clear about this aspect.

The deliverability of emails consists of the emails designed in our email marketing tool reaching their recipient.

Along the way, they may encounter a series of obstacles:

1. The email does not pass the recipient's spam filter

One of the first difficulties that an eCommerce encounter may be that many emails reach the recipient's spam filter. It may be because the recipient has expressly marked it as spam, or because the email program's algorithm has classified it as spam according to a set of criteria, which may have to do with the text that appears in the Subject or in the same email.

It is also possible that the reputation of the sender of the email is low, since it has often been labeled as spam.

2. The email reaches the client, but he never opens it

Another possible problem in your email marketing strategy is that a high percentage of emails that reach the client are not opened. An email that arrives in an inbox, but is never opened, is as if it had not been sent. The client does not read our message, click on any link, or respond to the email.

3. There is no engagement in the recipient

Maybe an email can get past a customer's spam filter. And the client may even open said email. But there is a new problem that can affect the deliverability of your emails, and that is that the recipient does not have any commitment to your brand, so they do not respond to our CTA (Call-To-Action) , nor take any action. in which email we have sent you to. You may even unsubscribe from our email list, delete the message, or mark it as spam, which shows a negative reaction to our message.

4. The mail arrives back

It is also possible that a portion of the emails sent in your email marketing strategy arrive back. That is, they never reach their recipient and what we know as a bounce occurs. It may be because the inbox on the email server is completely full and cannot accommodate receiving more emails.

It is also possible that there is an error in the email address and it does not exist, although this can be solved with a registration system that allows you to verify or confirm the recipient's email.

Another possible reason is that the recipient's email server is down at the moment, so they cannot receive emails. Normally this problem is solved in a matter of a few hours.

Email marketing deliverability. How to improve it?

We have already seen some of the possible problems that can affect your email marketing strategy. The higher the percentage of users on your email list who have any of the difficulties described above, the worse results you will get with your email strategy.

For an email marketing strategy to work, it is necessary that the emails are not only sent, but that the client receives them, opens them and interacts with them. The higher the recipient's level of engagement with our brand, the greater the success of our email sending strategy.

To improve our deliverability, there are several aspects that you should take into account.

1. Personalize and segment your email campaigns

Customers expect to receive personalized, specific messages focused on their needs. When this is not the case, the level of commitment of that client will tend to be lower. For this reason, it is very important to segment your email lists, not sending generic emails, and opting for a high degree of personalization in your campaigns.

With email marketing automation tools like Klaviyo you can send personalized emails based on the user's browsing behavior. For example, if you added an item to your shopping cart and did not complete the order, you could receive a personalized email within a few hours inviting you to complete your purchase.

2. Avoid having a bad reputation with the sender domain

Poor email marketing practices can give you a bad reputation for your email deliverability.

Sending an excessive number of emails, or using topics in the emails that can trigger the alarms of the email platforms' algorithms, can end up causing the sender's domain to have a bad reputation, and then their future emails reach spam. continued.

There are tools that allow you to verify the reputation of a domain, as well as find out if it is included in an email “blacklist.”

3. Optimize the copy in your email

Avoid spam words that can easily cause it to be classified as spam. Anything with words related to free, money, sex, or drugs highlighted in the subject of an email can cause algorithms to send it to spam.

Use attractive copy that generates interest without using misleading terms and can make clicks easy.

4. Clean up your email list

You won't necessarily have a higher conversion rate with a larger email list . On the contrary, it is advisable to clean your database from time to time. Ask users who want to be part of your list to confirm their interest in continuing to receive your emails, so that you can keep those who have the most engagement and eliminate abandoned emails or those who have no interest in your emails.

Migrations and email marketing: what to take into account

If you are migrating from one email marketing platform to another, you must carry out a process called warm-up, which consists of warming up your DB by activating it through automatic flows so that there is interaction between the user and your emails again. You must also work with IP Warming, Warm - Up allows the shipments to be made to be assigned as a good sender and strengthens the reputation so that the emails arrive in the inbox and not in the spam box.
Warming up an IP is a gradual process over time, with the aim of gaining a reputation as an email sender in the eyes of ISPs (Internet Service Providers).

What happens when we send emails?

When an ISP sees that an email is sent from a new IP address or from a server,
They will take note of this and immediately evaluate the traffic coming from that IP.

Once you achieve this, you can start sending campaigns with optimal deliverability.

At Webmefy, we have experience in email marketing for eCommerce and we work with the best tools that allow you to enhance your channels and carry out omnichannel strategies thanks to your customer data. We invite you to use Klaviyo, one of the best email marketing tools with top-level integration with Shopify, to optimize your email marketing strategy for your online brand, so that you can maximize your results and have an effective strategy in this channel, where you can improve the deliverability of your emails. Contact us for more details .

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