Ecommerce Day 2022 - El futuro del comercio electrónico

Ecommerce Day 2022 - The future of electronic commerce

On March 31, the eCommerce Day organized by IEBS Digital School will take place via streaming. The event will begin at 6:00 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m., with access to it being completely free.

At this event the future of electronic commerce will be discussed. Currently, the penetration of online shopping continues to grow at dizzying rates, reaching 76% in Spain, 4 points more than the previous year, according to the latest IAB study. It is a sector in full swing that will continue to grow in the coming years, which is why IEBS Business School, the leading digital school in online training, presents a new edition of eCommerce Day .

E-commerce sales have not stopped growing in recent years, especially as a result of the pandemic. In fact, according to the IEBS Annual Ecommerce Study, 62.3% of Spaniards buy online once or twice a month, while 25.9% do so one or more times a week and 11.8% % eventually and almost 90% believe they will spend more or the same in the future. For this reason, new companies specialized in the sector are born every day, with a greater awareness of the value of having a professional presence on the Internet that places them on the front line of an increasingly digital world.

For this reason, IEBS creates this event to share experiences on different topics in the eCommerce world. The conference will cover topics such as Pinterest Ads and how advertising works on the social network, new payment systems for eCommerce and Bizum as a valuable technology and some success stories.

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