Covid-19: Crisis u Oportunidad para tu Tienda Online

Covid-19: Crisis or Opportunity for your Online Store

The crisis situation that we are experiencing worldwide is leaving many consequences, both on a personal and economic level. Confinement has drastically reduced sales and that is greatly affecting online commerce, since, despite this, receipts continue to reach us, such as the self-employed quota or supplies. At Webmefy we are aware that this can be an agonizing situation for many and that is why we want to give you a few marketing tips so that you can keep your ship afloat and at the same time also draw some conclusions so that your business comes out stronger. of this situation. We must not forget that times of crisis are also times of opportunity and that is why we must be optimistic and try to learn for the future.

For now, you will also be interested to know that Shopify has opened gift cards to all its plans to help with the coronavirus .

Take advantage of the opportunity to improve your online store

If, as is normal, the traffic of your online store has decreased and obviously sales have also decreased, it is time to implement those improvements that you have been putting off for months. There is no time to waste and, with a positive attitude, you can take your online store to a new level. If you did not have any improvements planned, we recommend that you take a deep look at the competition and analyze what things they are doing may be useful to you. You can browse the Shopify app store to see which ones may interest you the most, as there are many and they adapt to different business sectors. We believe that an article that we recently published on Webmefy with those Shopify apps that cannot be missing from your online store may be very useful to you. Take a look and tell us which one you liked the most or if there is any other that you consider essential.

It is time to make discounts and sales to stimulate purchases

This decline in sales shows that it is necessary to take action with the prices of our products. The law of supply and demand is clear. Analyze which products in your catalog are the most successful and make offers that stimulate purchase by your customers . But it is not only important to lower the price of the products, but you have to inform your customers about it . To do this, you can use the newsletter and your social media channels. At Webmefy we have taught you how to make discount coupons on Shopify and now the time has come for you to put it into practice.

Have you already considered omnichannel?

Regardless of the sector in which your online store falls, the time has come to redirect your strategy towards omnichannel. The customer is the center of everything and their experience in your online store must be homogeneous regardless of the device they use to interact. Your website, your mobile application and even your newsletter must share a design so that the customer feels at all times that they are in your store. Purchasing processes and communications must be able to be made and completed between the different platforms, jumping from one to another in the process if necessary. This requires important work that you may be able to start now in this time of confinement.

At Webmefy we can help you take your store to another dimension . If you are interested, you can write us an email at and we will be happy to hear your questions and help you on your way.