No Vendo Nada en Mi Tienda Online: ¿Qué Puedo Hacer?

I'm not selling anything in my online store: what can I do?

If you have been traveling the paths of e-Commerce for some time, you will have realized that not all that glitters is gold. Achieving high sales levels is not always easy and requires intense and conscientious work. For this reason, many marketers suffer when they see that their store does not sell as much as they expected. But… peace of mind. Because at Webmefy we want to help you get the most out of your online store by analyzing what you may be doing wrong and giving you the necessary keys to change the trend. Keep reading, because the trend of your online store is about to change.

Why doesn't anyone buy?

This is not reaching out and kissing the saint. You can create a store with good features and attractive, with quality products, but the work does not end there. Your online store is not selling and we want to know why this is happening. A large database of clients is necessary to inform them of our news. If no one knows you have an online store, how do you expect them to buy? Statistically, it has always been easier to start an online store that already had a physical store, since there is a customer database to work with. If this is not your case, be patient, sales can take months to arrive. But with well-directed work, they will eventually arrive.

When will visits arrive to my online store?

The positioning of your website is something that occurs slowly. It can take months for your online store to appear in the first results of Google. Investing in SEO is always a good option , since it is a very technical task and requires certain training. Online commerce also requires a change of mentality. We must begin to set medium and long-term objectives to minimize the frustration that usually occurs when starting an online business. Likewise, do not ignore social networks to make yourself known. Start following influential profiles in your sector and use popular hashtags so that the public gets to know you.

Advertising is essential

As we mentioned in previous paragraphs, you cannot expect benefits without a prior investment and, in this sense, advertising continues to be essential. We must not leave aside traditional advertising (TV, radio, press...). Although it is more expensive than online advertising, its reach is usually much greater. However, a prior study is necessary to optimize spending, since we must choose the target of our business very well so as not to waste our resources. On the other hand, we must also take into account online advertising: Adwords , social networks ... If you don't know where to start, at Webmefy we will be happy to give you a hand. Write us an email to and we will treat your case in detail.

I sell, but the buyer does not return to my store. What's going on?

This is an evil that attacks many online sellers. Most buyers have made a single purchase and forgotten about us, what can we do? Since these buyers appear in our database, the ideal is to try to seduce them with offers and discounts so that little by little they see our online store with different eyes. Upselling (offering a product that replaces and improves the customer's first option) well used is also a good way out. The idea is to seek customer loyalty so that they always choose us to satisfy their needs. If your online store is not selling, it could be due to multiple factors, but often the solution usually has a lot to do with patience.

If you are interested in creating an online store and have not yet decided to take the step, at Webmefy we offer you a free 14-day trial with Shopify so that you can familiarize yourself with the environment and so that you can see that it is a very attractive and rewarding world. .

We encourage you to do a free SEO audit of your Shopify store in the following form: