Shopify POS, tu mejor aliado en época de crisis

Shopify POS, your best ally in times of crisis

Recently at Webmefy we have talked to you about Shop, the new Shopify application focused on the customer and on this occasion we want to focus our attention on Shopify POS, a tool that we have already told you about before . Because the Canadian e-Commerce platform has already launched Shopify POS , with the aim of taking in-person sales to a new level, also combining it with online sales. A hand extended to the small merchant who, in this time of pandemic and global crisis, has had to reinvent himself, looking even more to the online world. Keep reading, because we will tell you everything below.

Shopify POS is included with all Shopify plans and you can start taking advantage of it from the start, even merchants with physical locations can use Shopify POS Pro, an advanced set of tools created specifically for retail stores that maximize the omnichannel strategy of each company. According to data from the e-Commerce platform itself, businesses that have started selling by combining physical sales with online sales using Shopify POS have seen their sales increase by around 30% each year . Without a doubt, data that makes us take this tool very seriously, which, when used well, can make us clearly differentiate ourselves from the competition. In addition, the coronavirus crisis has also caused click and collect sales to increase significantly, a very profitable way of combining online and physical sales.

What features does Shpify POS have?

  • Simplified omnichannel management – ​​Sales, orders, products and payments are integrated into a unified customer experience.
  • Greater flexibility to increase sales: Through in-store, curbside pickup or local deliveries, merchants can continue their business while maintaining social distancing to keep the virus at bay.
  • Manage inventory in real-time across all channels – This feature is invaluable for merchants as they can move products from one warehouse to another without needing to be physically there to check stock.
  • Greater options as businesses reopen: Sellers have the option to make home deliveries with inventory located elsewhere, significantly increasing business capacity.
  • New intuitive smart grid feature, with shortcuts: sellers will be able to keep the most used applications on the home screen, greatly simplifying the sales process. Additionally, checkout can be accelerated through this smart grid that adapts to the actions taken in the shopping cart.
  • Expanded capabilities through app integration: Apps can be easily integrated into the tool, providing an infinite capacity for in-store experiences, such as scheduling appointments for physical store visits or people counting apps for store capacity. the locals.
  • More actionable insights: With Shopify POS, merchants can manage operations with greater actionable insights into store performance and reporting to help them make better business decisions.
  • Mobile payment: this is of great help, as it allows sellers to carry out transactions from anywhere in the store with coverage, even at street level when delivering the sold product.

For us, Shopify POS is the best sales tool to integrate online commerce with physical commerce. Its possibilities are practically endless and it represents great support for retail commerce, which, if it considered implementing all these capabilities on its own, would have to undertake an enormous investment . Shopify POS will remain free until October 31, 2020. After that, it will be priced at just $89 per month for each brick-and-mortar location that implements it.

If you found all of this interesting and you still don't have an online store, at Webmefy we offer you a free 14-day trial with Shopify so that you can familiarize yourself with the platform.