WhatsApp Pay, la nueva modalidad instantánea de pago

WhatsApp Pay, the new instant payment method

At Webmefy we want you to be up to date with all the news in online commerce and that includes all the new ways to make payments over the internet. That is why on this occasion we want to talk to you about the new thing that WhatsApp has prepared, which WhatsApp Business already launched a few days ago (which we told you about here) . There has been talk for a long time that Mark Zuckerberg's company wants to implement the ability to send payments through WhatsApp and it seems that this is already a reality. Keep reading so you don't miss anything, because we give you all the details below and tell you how it can be useful whether you have an online store or not.

As reported by Mark Zuckerberg himself through a post on Facebook , the country chosen for the launch will be Brazil and subsequently it will be gradually implemented in the rest of the countries worldwide. “The more than 10 million companies and microenterprises are the heart of the communities in Brazil,” said the CEO of Facebook through his own social network.

Can I use WhatsApp Pay to sell if I don't have an online store?

Of course. In fact, this is one of the main advantages that we at Webmefy see in this service, since no infrastructure is needed to be able to sell over the internet. It is possible that your market is reduced to your circle of friends and acquaintances, so this is a great option to sell your products safely and quickly. This may be the perfect option to sell those artisan products or crafts that your friends like so much.

Is it useful if I already have an online store?

In this case the answer is also affirmative, since you offer the customer one more way to pay, thus increasing the sales options. The more options he has to pay, the fewer barriers he will see between your store and him.

What does WhatsApp Pay cost?

The service will not have any type of cost for the user . On the other hand, a transaction fee will be charged to companies that use this service, as happens with operations carried out with VISA or MasterCard.

What can WhatsApp Pay be used for?

This service can be used to send money to friends and family, but also to make purchases over the internet and send payments through the messaging application, whose service is end-to-end encrypted, which provides extra security. This is especially relevant when making payments, since it is necessary to have complete confidence that the service is fully shielded and hacker-proof.

When will it be available for the rest of the countries?

There is still no specific date for the implementation of WhatsApp Pay in more countries, but we do know that it will be done gradually, depending on the results obtained in Brazil. The intention is that payments will also soon be available on Instagram and the rest of the family's applications.

How does the service work?

Payments are associated with a VISA or MasterCard credit or debit card issued by certain banks such as Banco do Brasil, Nubank, Sicredi or Cielo, and transactions will be protected by six-digit codes or by verification through biometric data such as fingerprints. fingerprints or eye identification.

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