Tiendas Online:Cómo Ganar la Batalla a las Rebajas de Verano

Online Stores: How to Win the Battle of Summer Sales

The summer months are special (and complicated) for online commerce. Not only because customers go on vacation and tend to leave their purchases aside, but also very serious competition appears in the traditional business: sales. Many businesses make spectacular offers that often have no competition, which makes things very difficult for marketers, since we work with less profitable margins than large companies . That's why here at Webmefy we are going to give you several tips so that you can stand up to the competition during the summer sales.

Summer sales, fundamental in Spain

The sales are deeply rooted in Spanish territory. During the sales at the beginning of the year and in the summer we can find products at very favorable prices, which significantly stimulates sales. However, the pandemic scenario in which we find ourselves has disrupted all plans and the big brands brought forward the sales to try to improve sales data , which during the previous three months had been catastrophic. Therefore, if your online business operates primarily in Spanish territory, it is important that you take into account everything we tell you below.

In fashion, sales are extended until the end of September

You have to keep in mind that this year the summer sales are going to be longer than usual. This has already been confirmed by platforms such as El Corte Inglés, Zara or H&M. Therefore, we will have to work harder than usual, as the battle will last longer. These brands usually launch really aggressive discounts, even exceeding 50%.

Traditional commerce is already operating at full capacity

If during confinement we have seen how online commerce benefited the most, now that traditional businesses have reopened their doors, competition is once again what it was before we locked ourselves at home. In fact, the summer sales once again put us at a clear disadvantage. The Government is doing everything it can to stimulate the economy and, in fact, allowed the sales to begin earlier than usual. We must be aware of our weaknesses to alleviate this situation in the best possible way, since the purchasing power of a good part of the Spanish population has decreased considerably and perhaps they are less inclined to spend.

It's time to innovate

As we have told you earlier in this text, we work with smaller margins than those of large firms, which is why we have to be inventive when launching our offers. We cannot copy what the big brands do, since that ultimately ends up giving a bad image and can cause rejection in our customers. Instead of betting on great offers and discounts with which we cannot compete face to face, a good option is to defer payments to lend a hand to our clients, who have asked for purchasing power. A very interesting option that can make them rethink the move. You can also take coupons into account. In Shopify you have different apps such as Sequra and Aplazame with which it is very easy to defer payments to provide maximum facilities to customers. Also betting on local payment methods can give you a great advantage.

Online business is the future and you already know how it works

In this situation, it is the online business that will clearly benefit and we already have extensive experience in this medium, which can make us differentiate ourselves from the competition. Exploit all your weapons and take advantage of the knowledge you have of your own clients. Is there a specific item that works very well in your online store? Well, bet on him, because he is a sure bet. You can do the same with that marketing campaign that worked so well. Launch a similar one to reach your customers! Stretch your brain to get the most out of your resources.

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