Los métodos de pago locales, una gran solución para tu shop

Local payment methods, a great solution for your shop

A few days ago we talked to you on Webmefy about the payment methods that are accepted in Shopify transactions and on this occasion we want you to know all the benefits of local payment methods, which are extremely useful in certain situations. The growth of e-Commerce is now unstoppable (also encouraged by the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus) and that is why we have to explore all the possible options offered when making payments, with the aim that no client is left behind. Please leave our website before making your purchase . Don't miss anything below if you want to know everything about local payment methods.

What benefits do local payment methods have?

Customers in each country are used to paying through certain entities and trust them more than others when making payments. Shopify is fully aware of this situation and for this reason offers a wide variety of payment options through Shopify Payments . In a study carried out in 2020 by the Baymard Institute, it was shown that in the last quarter, more than 70% of customers abandoned the shopping cart, something that we have to fight tirelessly against, because it represents a large amount of money that ultimately It does not enter online stores. One of the reasons for this abandonment may be that customers do not find their favorite payment method among the first options on the payment platform. For this reason, Shopify always places the most used payment entity in each country in a preferential position, which considerably increases customer confidence in the website.

What does Shopify Payments bring to local payment methods?

At Webmefy we believe that Shopify Payments is the best way to manage payments for your online store, because it allows you to sell to customers anywhere in the world, in addition to the customers closest to your business. All you have to do is enable it through the control panel of your online store so that they can decide how they prefer to make the payment .

To activate the local payment methods option in Shopify Payments, you just have to go to Manage payments and, if necessary, deactivate the 3P gateway, which supports these payment options. After this, you just have to choose the payment method that best suits the profile and needs of your buyers.

If you are interested in setting up your own online store, at Webmefy we offer you a free 14-day trial with Shopify so that you can familiarize yourself with the environment of this platform.

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