9 Estrategias clave para potenciar tu eCommerce en Navidad

9 key strategies to boost your eCommerce at Christmas

The arrival of the month of December implies the beginning of Christmas. After the unstoppable end of November with Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, the month of December is not far behind and makes us remain alert with the Christmas holidays and everything they entail.

These last months of the year represent a great effort, but they can also generate a great reward for all those ecommerce that prepare their strategies and optimize their stores, since they will see their sales increase significantly.

So that this time of year does not catch you unexpectedly, we are going to leave you some tips that you should take into account in your online business for this Christmas.

1. Give a Christmas touch to your website.

Just as in physical stores the windows are filled with Christmas decorations, do not forget that the home page of your website should be your virtual window and also reflect that change. For example, you can change the color palette you use during this time to give it a more Christmassy touch or change the background of your home by adding an image that contains Christmas decorations.

First of all, your customers must identify that Christmas has arrived in your online store. With these small changes you remind customers that the time has come to do Christmas shopping and you also appeal to the emotions and feelings that Christmas awakens.

2. Align your ecommerce with your social networks.

Once you have made the changes to your online store, and it already has a more Christmassy look, don't forget to communicate it on your social networks. Communication in all channels must be in a single line, that is why it is important that you transmit to your users the changes made through all your channels. Make some posts following the same line that you have chosen for your home, so that it looks uniform.

All the content you create after making these changes must be oriented towards Christmas, otherwise the message you want to convey to your clients will not be understood.

3. Use your email marketing and SMS channels.

Remember that these channels are very efficient and that thanks to them you can reach a high number of customers immediately. Therefore, it is important that you create a content strategy for the entire month of December and distribute it correctly to impact your customers at the right time and through the channels they use most.

Email marketing and SMS

4. Design some gift guides with different products for your clients.

No one knows the products in your online store better than you, which is why we suggest that you create a guide and give suggestions to your customers about the products they can buy. Some customers may even discover products that they didn't know about in your ecommerce.

Organize your gift guide by categories, you can create, for example: one for children, another for men, another for people over 50... in them you put the products that would go in each category.

In addition, you can take advantage of these guides to apply the sale of complementary products or cross-selling, including photos of these complementary products so that customers can see them and access the product sheet easily.

5. Don't forget about special offers or discounts.

It is very typical to offer some discount or special offer for your clients during the Christmas season. During this period the competition is very great, so we recommend that you observe your competition and get ahead of them by offering some benefits to your clients.

Another good practice is to make Christmas packages with some of your products. This way you increase the value of the average order and your customers can find good deals, since these products separately would cost them more.

6. Review your payment gateways and offer alternatives.

The payment gateway for your ecommerce should be simple and easy to use, and do not ask for more information than necessary, as this could make some customers decide not to complete the purchase. We also advise you to reduce the number of clicks as much as possible until you reach the payment part, since the customer could get diverted along the way.

During the Christmas campaign, it is advisable to offer the user the deferred payment option, since during this time many purchases will be made and the person may not want to pay for them all at once.

It is recommended that you offer your users the possibility of purchasing as visitors and not force them to register, but you should show them the benefits of having an account in your store so that they themselves decide to take that step.

7. Offer different shipping options.

Differentiate yourself from the competition by offering free shipping. Most customers prefer to spend a little more money, but have free shipping, rather than having to pay shipping costs. Therefore, a fundamental factor to differentiate yourself from the competition is to offer this advantage. In fact, you can set this free shipping over a certain amount, that is, free shipping over €50 for example. But be careful not to overdo it, as users may take it as something negative.

In addition, it is a good time to offer alternative shipments such as express shipping by paying a small additional amount, since during this time not everyone is farsighted and if you leave the gifts until the last minute you will not mind paying a small extra, but having it immediate.

Free shipping

8. Take into account delivery and return times.

You should warn your customers that your shipments could be delayed during this time if you think you will not be able to meet delivery times. It is better for the customer to know how long their order will take to arrive than to create false illusions and Don't buy again.

Likewise, you must be informed of the return deadlines; it is advisable to increase these deadlines during this time, since gifts this month are purchased for Christmas and Epiphany.

9. Remember that your online store is visited from different devices.

Finally, keep in mind that your online store must be optimized for different devices, especially for mobile, since the majority of queries are made from this device. The loading time, the arrangement of the images or their resolution are vital for your online business to function correctly and increase your sales during this Christmas season.

If you want your ecommerce to succeed this Christmas, optimize your online store and prepare a uniform strategy across all your channels, focused on Christmas. Don't forget to apply the keys that we have given you in this post to make your online store successful and that sales continue to increase this year.

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