How to improve the customer experience in eCommerce?

How to improve the customer experience in eCommerce?

Whenever a customer interacts with your brand, you generate a customer experience. Whether they do so via chat, contact you by phone, or make a purchase directly through your online store. 

If the buyer's experience is satisfactory, you will have gained a new customer and you can continue to build their loyalty. Otherwise, that customer is not likely to make a repeat purchase, and may even speak ill of your brand. Between one extreme and the other, there is a wide range of gray areas, in which it is necessary to enhance the customer experience through a series of marketing actions for eCommerce. 

In this article, we will cover the keys to improving the customer experience in your online store, so that you can maximize the performance of your eCommerce. 

Difference between customer experience and user experience 

Customer experience extends far beyond what is known in web development as UX (User Experience). While user experience is a very important part of the customer experience, in this case, we are talking about a global concept that encompasses many more elements, ranging from customer service to the shipping and returns policy or even the pricing policy. 

Your goal is to understand the expectations that your buyer persona has regarding your brand. If your online store is fast, agile, and offers a pleasant shopping experience, it does not always imply that your CX (Customer Experience) will be a good one, although it is a very important factor. 

Your customer's buyer journey begins before the first purchase has been made. As soon as they make their first contact with your brand, they already start developing an idea of what their relationship will be like, whether they want to establish a relationship with your online store and buy on a recurring basis. 

Many retailers work on improving the user experience. In marketing, however, it is not only essential to focus on the technical aspects, but also on the customer strategy, so that you can achieve a high percentage of recurring customers and brand ambassadors. The goal of the customer strategy is to eliminate friction points that can generate discomfort and frustration in the buyer. 

What are the elements involved in the customer experience in an online store?

The degree of customer satisfaction in your online store can be measured according to different variables. 

Certain key elements influence the customer experience: 

- Web usability: web usability significantly influences the shopping experience. If the speed, architecture, and navigability of the e-commerce store are suitable for purchase, the user will have more confidence. The simplicity of use is key to good usability. 

- Consistency: a good customer experience is reflected in a transparent and consistent behavior displayed by the online store. This affects pricing and discount policies, the management of returns, or the resolution of any incident involving orders. 

- Products: a competitive factor for a good Customer Experience is undoubtedly the product policy. Customers expect to find products with a good quality/price ratio that meet their expectations. The work is not over after a sale has been made, but when the customer has found the solution to their problem. 

- Support: the customer expects to receive omnichannel support so that they do not necessarily have to use a single communication channel to contact you. The customer expects to be answered by social networks, by e-mail, or by phone, and in a prompt and professional manner. 

- Emotions: customers are not expecting a mere commercial transaction from your eCommerce. They are looking for a pleasant experience, which allows them to feel satisfied with your brand. Such experience can be offered through copywriting and email marketing, loyalty, and, most importantly, through the personalization of the shopping experience, providing personalized suggestions and friendly and close treatment in every interaction. 

How to successfully improve your Customer Experience? 

Improving the customer experience is a continuous process. Without clear objectives, digital analytics tools, and performance indicators (KPIs) that reflect the degree of satisfaction of your customers, you cannot know what needs to be improved. 

It is therefore ideal to work in different areas to enhance a CX that allows you to maximize your results. 

- Web design: analyze the user experience of your online store, improving your design and providing answers to the problems that affect your conversion rate. 

- Digital analytics: establish indicators that allow you to obtain feedback on the degree of satisfaction of your customers. This can be done through online surveys, brand ratings, interaction analysis, etc.

- Omnichannel: improve your customer service processes through multiple communication channels. Pay attention to response times, the main incidents reported by your customers, and the evaluations of your sales team. 

- Digital Marketing: work on the Digital Marketing strategy of your eCommerce to create a personalized experience oriented to generating positive perceptions. Use copywriting techniques and take advantage of content marketing to evoke emotions and provide answers. Focus on the customer and understand their needs and problems to offer them the solution. 

- Information: improve the transparency of your eCommerce to offer a better customer experience. You can refine your product sheets and offer detailed information about your shipping and return policies in order to maximize the customer experience and reduce any inconvenience associated with online shopping. 

At Webmefy, we help you analyze your eCommerce performance to improve the customer experience. 

Achieve greater profitability by understanding how Customer Experience plays a role in improving your results. 

If you want to build customer loyalty, increase your recurring customers, or understand why you are losing sales and profits, contact us now.

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