Newsletter: consejos para evitar la carpeta de SPAM

Newsletter: tips to avoid the SPAM folder

At Webmefy we work with the most powerful tools to help you complete the digital leap of your company and to do this, a fundamental step is Klaviyo, the professional email marketing application that analyzes the behavior of your customers on your website . With this software you can create personalized newsletters based on that behavior, which exponentially increases the chances of success. However, there is a word that gives newsletters nightmares… That is none other than the word “SPAM”.

Because SPAM for newsletters is what kryptonite is for Superman or what holy water is for vampires. We must try to avoid it by all means, but the truth is that this is often not easy, because users are reluctant to receive this type of communications and end up marking them as SPAM. What can we do to avoid this?

Traditionally there has been a belief that the massive bombardment of electronic correspondence was a successful path to success. However, experience has shown that this is quite far from reality and that what it provokes in the recipient is an energetic rejection. There is no specific solution, but at Klaviyo they have set to work to ensure that your emails avoid that dreaded folder.

With this tool we have access to a multitude of data regarding the interaction of our clients with our newsletters : opening rate, click rate, unsubscriptions, bounces, marked as SPAM, etc. Therefore, our job will be to analyze all this data to find out which emails work best and which do the worst.

We also have to know how the algorithm followed by email servers such as Gmail or Yahoo behaves, since each one has its characteristics. In this sense, so much progress has been made that these algorithms are capable of analyzing customer interaction with our emails on their own. If this interaction is reduced and spaced out over time, it is very likely that these emails will fall into the SPAM folder, since the algorithm will interpret that they are no longer relevant.

1. Review the subscription process

We must be clear about where each email address we have on our list comes from. If we know how each one of them has arrived, we will be much closer to the goal of being relevant to the recipients, since we will be able to focus a different campaign for each user profile . If you have specifically registered to receive the newsletter or if you have subscribed when making a purchase. Each profile is different and we must know them all.

2. An updated email list

There is no point in sending emails to users who have lost interest in our online store . For this reason, it is necessary to clean this email list regularly . If you have never done one, it is advisable that you update it every fifteen days and, if you consider that you have it updated, you can reduce the frequency. The objective is to focus our strategy on those users who really show interest in our activity.

3. Identify committed customers

Once you've done a good cleanup on your email list, it's time to locate those who interact the most with our communications . This is a simple task, since Klaviyo gives us very powerful reports from which it is easy to extract this information. The ideal is to compose a segment of committed profiles , since it is very likely that they will open our email, which will also help the algorithm of their email manager to recognize us as a sender of real interest.

If a user has opened one of our emails in the last 30 days, we will consider them an engaged user. Obviously, this will greatly reduce the size of our list, but it will ensure that we focus our forces in the right direction. It won't take long for us to notice that the opening rate of our emails increases.

4. Pay attention to metrics

Klaviyo offers a large amount of information and it is our responsibility to analyze it in depth to draw the best conclusions. This takes a lot of time and may not work in the short term, but it ends up working in the long run. Achieving an open rate of 25% or more is an ambitious goal that will help us attract new customers.

5. Make content adjustments

If you've done all this work for three or four weeks and are starting to see results in open or unique click rates, you're already on the right track. At this point you have to analyze which emails have worked better and which have worked worse , to adjust them little by little. This is the best way for your client to feel identified with your brand.

6. Whitelabel in your emails

Adding some CNAME records to your hosting provider can be very useful in some cases, as it adds an extra layer of domain authentication. This layer tells ISPs that these emails are authentic and trustworthy.

If you are interested in starting to work with Klaviyo, you can do so from here.

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