Mejor herramienta de e-mail marketing para tu tienda online

Best email marketing tool for your online store

E-mail marketing is one of the best tools to sell in your online store . That is why it is very important that you consider an email sending solution that best helps you build your sales funnel and maximize conversions.

You may have heard of some of these email tools, like Mailchimp or Klaviyo . But if you don't know which one to choose, in this post we would like you to be able to discover some of its advantages and disadvantages.

There are undoubtedly many email marketing tools on the market, but when we talk about eCommerce with Shopify, without a doubt one of the best that exists is Klaviyo . And we are going to explain why.

Comparison Klaviyo vs. Mailchimp: what is the best email tool for eCommerce?

Making a comparison of all the email marketing solutions on the Internet would be extremely complex, since there are many. However, we would like you to know some of the most relevant ones, such as Mailchimp or Klaviyo, the one that we at Webmefy use with our clients.

Both tools allow you to create email campaigns , automate sending emails based on customer behavior, create registration forms, and use segmentation to further refine campaigns (for example, if they are customers who have already purchased, or if they are a certain geographical area).

While both are great solutions, we think Klaviyo is one of the best email tools out there for those who have an online store on Shopify Plus and want to design a sales funnel geared toward their ecommerce.


Mailchimp Template

When we talk about email marketing, the name Mailchimp is perhaps one of the first email platforms that comes to mind. Created in 2001, this tool allows you to program auto-responders, design different types of subscription forms. With its free plan, you can send more than 10,000 emails per month to a maximum of 2,000 subscribers.

It has a clean and intuitive design, you can create multiple subscriber lists and it allows you to access reports on the results of your campaigns. The prices of each plan are quite affordable, since it has a free version although with limited functions, although it is true that for 10,000 subscribers it has a much higher cost.

In summary, its advantages are mainly 3:

  • It is a simple and easy to use tool.
  • The free plan has a reach of 2000 subscribers.
  • It offers you fairly complete insights for simple campaigns.

However, we must also highlight some important disadvantages of Mailchimp if we want to combine it with our Shopify store.

  • It is a generic email marketing tool, it is not directly focused on electronic commerce.
  • It does not have a visual editor for email sequences. It is somewhat less intuitive than Klaviyo.
  • It's cheaper to get started, but you have to pay more to get more features.


The Klaviyo email marketing solution has its own app and allows native integration with Shopify. It is an email marketing service specially designed for e-commerce, unlike Mailchimp, which has a more generic approach.

Klaviyo has pre-designed templates for email marketing, allows you to manage automated email flows and complete subscriber segmentation. Thus, for example, it includes advanced functions such as sending an automatic email to users who have added a product to their shopping cart, but have abandoned it and have not completed the purchase.

While it is true that Klaviyo only allows you to manage 250 contacts and send 500 emails with the free plan, it has many more functionalities, such as the automation of email flows, as well as much more advanced insights.

klaviyo events

In summary, the advantages of Klaviyo are clear:

  • It is especially ideal for e-Commerce and Shopify. Integration is extremely easy.
  • It is designed for marketing professionals.
  • The initial version already has all the functionalities.
  • It allows you to create automated email flows visually and with a greater degree of personalization

klaviyo flow

With Klaviyo you can create welcome series, abandonment reminders for the purchasing process, send emails to those who have not completed their purchase, do retargeting or even request that users who have purchased a product leave a review. It is therefore a tool with a different focus, more oriented towards electronic commerce.

Perhaps the only two handicaps of Klaviyo are that:

  • Its free version includes a smaller number of contacts (250) and emails (500).
  • The price is slightly higher than Mailchimp (depends on the plan you use).

However, this is not a problem in the long run, because what is really important is the return on investment (ROI) that your e-commerce campaigns provide you.

In addition, Klaviyo's advanced email automation features are more attractive for an e-commerce, plus Klaviyo integrates more easily with Shopify, which in the end means greater benefits for your e-commerce.

How to create an email strategy with Klaviyo?

We have told you about two tools that can allow you to manage your email campaigns. But beyond choosing the right email marketing software , there are other keys you should consider for your sales funnel to be successful.

To get started, you need the help of experts to analyze the insights from your email campaigns.

If it is the first time that you use email marketing for eCommerce , it is vital to know your audience, design a strategy based on their interests, enhance the copy of your emails, design automated emails for each segmentation group and Perform A/B tests to see which emails generate the best results.

Running email marketing campaigns without Data Analytics is like trying to hit the target blindfolded. That is why at Webmefy we help you define the metrics and KPIs that you should focus on, and we help you obtain the maximum benefit from your campaigns to achieve good segmentation and a flow of emails that results in improved engagement and increased sales. the conversion rate .

Do you want to start selling with Klaviyo on your Shopify store? Tell us what your online store is and provide us with your information so that we can give you our advice .

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